Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Better Mother

Remember last summer, when Phenom mistook a poor, scrawny kitten for an opossum? Since that hot day in August, the little thing has filled out and become a respectable looking little cat. She's a tad stand-offish, but the other cats seem to like her and happily share space at the food dishes and in the sleeping nest.

And, it would seem that either Two Dat has completely abandoned her kitten, or it didn't make it on its own.

Yesterday, as I was walking up the driveway with arms laden with take-home work, little Possum came running up, new born kitten in her mouth. The kitten, a mini of Possum, was squalling. Possum, put the kitten down at my feet as if seeking my approval. Phenom came out and we both made approving/admiring noises. Then, Possum picked the kitten up and went back into her nest in the azalea bush.

This morning, as we were headed out, Possum came out from the nest for a bite to eat. We could hear more than one little kitten mewing in the bush.

This afternoon, Phenom said that he was out puttering around the yard and Possum had come out to observe. But, as soon as the kittens started to mew, she dashed right back to them.

Looks like there will be new kittens this spring after all.

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