Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Phenom and I took a few days to continue the annual "Family Obligation Tour" last week. Lots of driving, politely smiling and nodding to people who deserve polite nods, and learning to function around the sounds and odd sleeping arrangements of others.

When we finally returned home, we were happy to be greeted by the household critters (who were less than happy to realize they had not inherited the house) and the freeloaders.

Whenever we leave the household critters alone for a couple of days, there is usually a massive clean up required when we return. Phenom dutifully hauled a couple trash bags worth of spent litter to the trash bin . . . and came in to announce that the freeloaders were sharing a plate with a baby opossum. We were amazed to see that these same critters who would pop Little Louie on the noggin every time he came near the plate would docilely share with another species. It was a sight to behold.

The next evening, I was back on the road and when I called to check in on the Phenom, I received a report that the previous night's opossum was, in fact, a scrawny little kitten. I didn't quite see how a kitten could ever be mistaken for an opossum. Then, I saw it . . . thin, ratty tail, and a head a tad too big for its body. But, it is cute. It also has taken up Louie's old accommodations.

I keep reminding Phenom that we are not bringing another kitten in the house . . . no matter how abandoned or scrawny it is. Peg and Louie are quite enough for one year.

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