Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The good and bad of karma

This week, I'll be hosting one of the events for our big community charity blow-out. Hopefully, lots of good will be done. New volunteers will be tapped (I almost wrote "trapped" . . . ) and good will be the topic of the day. But, yesterday, I learned that the hairdresser who gave me a hair cut so terrible I cried is going to be participating. So, I have to be nice. I can't be snarky about how her bad skills inspired me to find a much better hair person. Sigh. This is truly a test of my karma.

But, where karma takes, it also gives. This morning . . . as I dropped Phenom off at home after helping him leave his car for regular maintenance, I got to say "be good" and drive off before it could be returned my way. HA!

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