Friday, May 13, 2011

Best Day Ever

Yesterday was the big community charity event. I had to get going early so I could make a few deliveries before taking my spot at the event I was most heavily involved in pulling together, a Knit-in.

We had about 25 volunteers who came and knitted items for either new born babies or older people who were undergoing cancer treatments, or just old enough to need some extra warmth. We also had a couple people drop off items they made in their own time. And, we had several people who had never knitted before learn a simple stitch and make baby caps.

It was a long day filled with stories and shared experiences and camaraderie and creative generosity. Everyone who joined us left feeling as if they had truly shared their gifts with our community. We ended up with 112 caps and blankets for people in our community. What probably was the most heart warming is hearing people's stories of how they still have and cherish the caps their children/grandchildren received when they were born. One man held up a preemie cap and said "both my children were preemies, we still have their caps" and he was just a tad choked up.

As people scattered back to their lives, they started posting on facebook about their shared experiences. The good from the day seemed to carry on into their evenings. Some people had positive interactions with their neighbors, others had great ball games with their children, and still others just had peaceful evenings of reflection.

In my household, as I was returning home, my favorite 9 year old called and wanted me to play the computer game we play together. Then, I made a very tasty dirty rice for dinner, and just before bedtime, we discovered 4 new puff balls of kittens playing on the back porch . . . I got to spend a few minutes cuddling fluffy softness while a little orange striped ball of fur purred in my hands.

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