Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Revenge, Cat style

We have recently acquired a new cat like creature. Whereas we are amused by the non-stop silliness and attacking of imaginary foes, the other cat-like creatures in the household seem less than thrilled. There is hissing and blowing. Imagine a room full of 5 year olds with a sibling who is touching them . . . . stop touching me. . . . MOOOOOOOOMMMMMM make them stop touching me.

The other night, we discovered who is the most pissed off at being displaced . . . Fleur de Lis, the siamese.

Usually, Fleur gets first refusal at the opportunity to sleep in the bedroom. Private litterbox! Own food dish! Comfy pillow just for cats! And, like any proper siamese, she usually doesn't decide she wants the bedroom accommodations until about an hour after I've gone to bed. Cue mewing at the door.

Since the introduction of Louie (we renamed him from "Screech" . . . there was just no dignity in Screech), I've been bringing Louie into the bedroom so that we can minimize the midnight crazies. And, because he's cute and we want him to bond with us.

So, the other night, Louie and I had settled into bed . . . he was curled up at my shoulder because the raging thunderstorm outside was making him nervous and grateful he was no longer "out there" when the Phenom comes into the bedroom with a flashlight and beams it into my eyes. My first thought was "the music is still on, so the power isn't out. . . why the hell is there a flashlight in my eyes?"

Phenom says "I can't find Fleur." So, I join in the hunt. Seeing that all the lights in the house except the bedroom lights were on, I decided I didn't need my own flashlight. We spent the next 30 minutes checking every spot we could think of as a kitty hiding place. I finally decided to go back to bed with the assumption that she'll show up by next meal time and I have to go to work in the morning.

I was already working on my lack-of-sleep-grumpy thinking that I would toss and turn all night wondering where the cat was hiding and if she were actually stuck and was I a bad pet owner for not being more concerned?

Just as I was snuggling back in and settling Louie down, Phenom comes back with that damned flashlight and says "She's sitting in the hall." Fucking cat.

But, she did reclaim the bedroom last night. Tart.

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