Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Down Side of Food Obsession

First, my friends and family are afraid to cook for me. They seem to think I will judge them . . . I never do. In fact, I usually learn from all of my friends, even the friends who don't think they cook. I especially like seeing the quick meals my friends put together on week nights. I also like to ask what the traditional foods their families make. That's how I learned about cooking chicken/rice/tomatoes . . . and that The Chick puts kidney beans in her jambalaya.

But, the other down side is that all to often I'm grossed out by restaurants, food manufacturers, and recipes I read. For example: the New York Times reported that the factory that was the source for the bad peanut butter ignored their internal tests showing the bacteria 12 times. The health inspections of the plant report that the plant was not constructed to manufacture food safely. Great. I love those little peanut butter filled pretzels and now they terrify me.

And, as I was reading this article I noticed a teaser for the Bacon Explosion. Four pounds of bacon and sausage smoked together into one huge, heart attack causing log. I was simultaneously grossed out, fascinated, and know exactly who needs this recipe for their up coming wedding.

1 comment:

the lorider said...

my dad makes a meatloaf which is a 5-layered affair of chicken pieces, the traditional ground beef and pork, and bacon. I'm sending this link to him!

congrats on your 1000th post and happy birthday, Super-Bongo! I didn't realize we started blogging right at the same time. it's certainly been a pleasure.