Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sucks being a grown up

So, I have this super terrific most excellent trip coming up very soon. This is the sort of trip lots of people only dream about. What's more . . . the bulk of the planning has been done by someone else and pretty much I just have to show up with my party face on. Normally, being a rather impatient monkey, I'd be jumping out of my skin waiting for the start of the super terrific most excellent trip.

But, I've been parading around as if I were a full grown human. And, that sucks. Because rather than puffing up my chest and bragging to everyone (and making them all insanely jealous) I'm plodding away at the half dozen or so projects that must be accomplished before I can truly party.

Maybe if I started packing now, I'd feel like the trip was closer than it is?

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