Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Camp Cook

This week, I'm taking a bit of time off from my "ruling the world" job to give back.  (And, if I happen to develop new minions, bonus.)  I'm the cook at a day camp for local kids.

I've had to make very basic, "kid friendly" foods.  Like grilled cheese and chicken nuggets.  (Honestly, the only time in my life I've ever fixed chicken nuggets from frozen was last year when I had the same gig.)   Timing is an issue . . . to have everything ready for little faces at noon.  BUT!  I also get to cook in big quantities.  You know I love that.

Yesterday, I cooked 3 pounds of spaghetti noodles.  It should have been, according to the package, twice as many servings as I needed.  THEY ATE IT ALL!!!!  Today, I fixed 32 grilled cheese sandwiches . . . nothing left.

This is almost as good as the Chinese Red Army showing up at dinner time.  Clearly, I was a camp cook in a previous life.  And, the kids are always happy to see me and are loud in their thanks.

Too bad it's just once a year.

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