Monday, June 06, 2011

The Social Network

I'm a big fan of facebook. I like the updates from some of my favorite businesses. I like having a moment in the middle of the day to watch some silly drunken cooking youtube. I like catching up with old friends and learning more about new ones.

But, I have come to realize that we always had a kind of social network. I know which of my friends follows which sports/teams. Even if I don't care a hoot about the sport/team, I notice if their teams did well or really bombed.

My own little social network is also a great source of information. I have a friend whose husband has Lou Gerhig's disease . . . and so my ears perk up when I hear anything about new information or treatments or support programs. Same thing for a friend whose son has autism. Or the friend whose child was born intersexed.

I guess I should be glad that up until now (and let's hope the trend continues) I've not had to learn too much about the jails.

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