Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The day we feared

We generally stagger the acquisition of cats by a year or more so that we have only had one kitten in the home at a time. This saves a bit on the wear and tear as well as the "ganging up" events. And, there were several years between Oscar the Bold (who is now pretty much Oscar the Weenie) and Peg. And then there was Louie. Louie and Peg are only about 6 months apart in age. There has been much tackling, chasing, and chewing of faces since the two of them came into the home.

But, we were spoiled because Peg isn't quite the plunder puss that most cats are . . . at least when it comes to getting on the counters. (Peg has stuck her head and/or paws into, under, and behind every appliance/bit of furniture in the house.) But, she can't jump from the floor to any surface higher than a chair. It was easy to keep her out of anything we really didn't want her into by simply putting it on the other kitchen counter.

Foolishly, I think we kinda hoped that since she isn't providing the bad example, it wouldn't occur to Louie that he can jump from the floor to counter tops.

Louie figured this out last night, in the middle of the night. He now happily can loll around on top of the refrigerator, cooing away to let Peg know she's stuck on the floor. He also has a whole new couple of cabinets to explore accessible from the frig.

Sigh. I knew it was coming . . . but I kinda hoped it wasn't. The next several weeks are going to be punctuated by Louie jumping out of the cabinet over the fridge just so he can have the joy of seeing me jump.

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