Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Farmer's Market Haul

Today's haul ($16)

pound of purple grapes
several zucchinis and yellow squash
several pounds of tomatoes
pound of boiled peanuts
pound and a half of okra
several red bell peppers

I'm having the boiled peanuts for my desk snack today. This afternoon, I'll spend several hours floating in the inflatable oasis and spitting grape seeds into the yard.

For dinner tonight, I'll stew some tomatoes and okra together and serve it over rice. Tomorrow night, I'll make a veggie skillet with squash and potatoes and peppers and some more okra. Watermelon for dessert.

I saw mention of "zucchini bread french toast" in the NYTimes the other day, so I'll make a couple loaves of zuke bread and I think I'll pan fry a slice or two in butter (like you would a grilled cheese) and then top it with some good vanilla ice cream, perhaps some caramel.

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