Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tender Mercies

My heart was all a flutter . . . my favorite rock group is going to be giving a concert within easy driving distance of my home this fall! Woot! Yay! I even had an email open to see if my new chickie friend would be interested in going with me, since I've lost my regular concert pal.

Now, I've not seen this group in concert in a while . . . well two albums back to be exact. I was feeling just a tad conflicted about going with someone new . . . especially before actually spending any significant time with my new chickie friend. Then, I noticed that the concert date is one on which I already know I'll be afixed to a barstool in my spiritual home.

I'm a tad sad. But, it is kinda nice to have the decision made for you, no?

1 comment:

Kman said...

Wow...you *must* be talking about KISS coming to Charlotte on Aug. 28. I can't believe we have the same favorite rock band. :-) We already have our tickets!