Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Return of WS Random

For the past 6 months, our good friend WS Random has been conducting rather strange experiments and has been in seclusion. I don't fully understand the experiments - but I think it had something to do with joint strength and the medical profession. But, don't quote me on that.

But, since WS Random has long been a fixture in our lives, the time away has been difficult. I actually have conducted something of an affair with WS's answering machine. Damn thing takes takes takes but never gives anything in return.

Then, tonight, the doorbell rings and there stood WS with a case of Stella Artois Beer under one arm and acting as if there had not been 6 months of no communication.

After many hugs and exclamations, we insisted WS stay for dinner. We drank wine and beer and talked long into the night. I made a lovely asian noodle salad.

I parboiled broccoli for three minutes before plunging it into ice water to stop the cooking and make it stay lovely green. I chopped up several mushrooms, snow peas, and a red bell pepper. I finely grated some ginger. I boiled up a box of pasta noodles and stir fried the veggies (parboiling the broccoli means they are tender without over cooking everything else) - and made a dressing of equal parts rice vinegar, sesame oil (toasted), soy sauce, honey -- and several dashes of hot sauce (I'd say to go with 5 tablespoons each of the first four ingredients). I put the cooked noodles in a bowl, topped with the veg, and then poured the dressing over it all -- then garnished with a handful of honey roasted peanuts. It was yummy. And the Phenom was so glad that someone else could eat with us since I would have made the same amount with or without company and Phenom would have been eating it leftover for several days with out the company.

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