Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Is it bad karma to gloat?

Those of you who have followed my little tribulations this past year will know that some very mean people have harshed my buzz and brought on self pity and bitterness.

But, things are looking up. The Evil Side Kick is coming along nicely in her tutorials. Business is looking up. And, my chief rivals seem to be headed down the slippery side of the mountain. The other day, I learned that my counter part with the rival business has resigned and the person being promoted is someone who spent the last district meeting pulling her hair in front of her face rather than contributing. And, from what I hear from the regional manager, the rival business may be a visited soon by people who have serious authority.

I've done nothing to bring about this turn of events. I've wallowed in my bitterness. But, I've also worked hard at what I know I'm suppose to work at. And, it now seems that the skies are starting to allow a bit of blue to peek through. All isn't totally perfect yet - but it's enough to remind me that when I keep my head down, work really hard at what I know I ought to, things I didn't even know were possible will fall in my lap.

And, apparently, my inspection of the new store in the area made the front page of the trade mag. this week. Fame! Celebrity! How long before I can club hop sans knickers?

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