Monday, April 23, 2007

Pall of sadness and mission of mercy

This morning, we learned that while we were all toasting ourselves for completing yet another season of THEATER -- one of masters of the craft, a mentor for all time died yesterday. David was the human who discovered the talents of the Phenom. He had a booming, sexy voice and tremendous command. I feel doubly close to David because I went to school with one of his children -- although I had no idea at the time that her father would one day be like a member of the family. A formal opportunity to publicly mourn or say good bye hasn't yet been planned -- but, we're leaving open the calendar in anticipation. You humans do the saying good bye at the end of a well lived life right. We monkeys pretty much shrug and leave the body where it fell. I have to say that the gathering of those who loved you, and the ritual of acknowledging the life passed is a superior notion. Sad, but good.

And, in completely unrelated news: to the chick -- I have already been thinking that this summer, I will have to buy baskets and baskets of peaches - and deliver them personally to all the western and mountain folk I know who will suffer in July because of the late winter weather. Perhaps it will buy me extra good karma -- peaches to the peachless.

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