Monday, September 10, 2012

Fall Foods

I know, it's just a tease . . . but man has the weather been beautiful for the past two days.  I imagine that once we get good and happy with the low humidity, it will come screaming back.  But, now that there is the slightest nip in the air in the mornings, I am already thinking of fall flavors.  Heavy, slow-cooking, hearty foods.

Tonight, we're having maple roasted bacon (cook the bacon in the oven, and about 3 minutes before it's done, brush with maple syrup and pop back in for a final bit of caramelizing . . . bacon candy!) and banana/pecan pancakes.  Well, Phenom will be having traditional plain pancakes . . . but "other husband" and I will get goodies in our pancakes.  And, I warm the maple syrup.

You kinda wish you had an evil monkey overlord, now don't you?

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