Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Signal

I've said before I'm not much for Christmas. However, I have been witness, passively, to something fun and good this year. I think the dire economy and the knowledge that 2/3 of the unemployed have been so for over a year has people realizing that charity begins at home.

I have a friend who runs a small local volunteer organization. Naturally, a group within her organization does what it can to gather and distribute Christmas gifts to poor children. They'd had their big celebration, Santa came, gifts were given. And the next day, my friend received a call from a small elementary school in a very poor section of the region informing her that they had 35 more children they had identified as not likely to get anything for Christmas.

My friend posted the need on her personal facebook page. She also posted that she had only 24 hours to take care of the need because the next day was the last day of school before the holiday break. She was overwhelmed with donations. My crafting group donated the money we'd made the weekend before at a craft fair. People came out of the wood work to donate. The guy she'd bought a car from just a few months ago got his dealership to make a substantial donation. It brought someone who sees the best and worst in people every day to tears.

The donations were enough to provide a toy and the makings for a Christmas dinner to each household.

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