Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Treated like an equal

So, if humans have this desire to treat some animals as equals while stomping on the ugly ones, then shouldn't the equal part extend to when animals behave badly too?

The Phenom claims that there was much twisting of ears during the Phenom's early years - mostly at the hands of teachers.

However, I suspect y'all would be all ape-shit on me if I tried to twist the dog's ears for his bad behavior tonight.

Every night, there is an extended play period for Dog. We throw toys, we scritch behind the ears and on the belly. We offer treats once the dry food is consumed. We try to intervene when he tries to herd the cats. And, most nights, dog is more than happy to return to his doggie run/house for the rest of his evening meal.

Tonight, he was awfully full of himself. Tonight, he decided that running looping laps around the yard would prevent play time from ending. Then after three more belly rubs, he still refused to go to bed. So, I picked him up and carried him. He spent the next two hours trying to chew his way through the fence. I tried to convince him that this was a very bad idea. I tried to bribe him. I smacked the fence with a rolled up magazine -- I squirted him with a spray bottle. I spoke in stern, loud voices.

I finally gave up. I'm not quite ready to treat him as a true equal and actually apply some ear twisting - but, I won't be that surprised if he gnaws his way to freedom and discovers that getting out of the fence is a whole lot easier than getting back in.

Maybe he misses the little girl dog next door? Or maybe he is just as stubborn as me? Scary thought.

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