Friday, January 14, 2011

I like pizza, Steve

Over the holidays, I finally put the pizza stone I got last christmas in my oven. What? Don't judge me, you know my life. My first couple attempts at pizza were thwarted for wont of a peel. Then, the Phenom ordered me a peel. And this thing is freakin' awesome! I cannot imagine why I ever thought I could slide pizzas in and out of a 500 degree oven without one.

Here is a before baking shot:

And, the final product:

I'm learning to manipulate the dough. You have to trust the weight of the dough to stretch it for you. I also think it could use a little less cheese, although I'm following the instructions as to the amount. I think it's too heavy. The stone gives it a good, crisp bottom, and it has those great puffs around the edges. I can't wait for summer and home grown basil and farmer's market tomatoes!

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