Sunday, January 23, 2011

Attention Monkey

Okay, I admit it. I love attention. I could spend some time navel gazing over why. But, the bottom line is, I like getting the right kinds of attention. And, I'll whore out my skills to keep it coming.

Earlier this year, I signed up for a little facebook game. The deal was that if you promised to post the same status, and play along, I would make you something with my own little hands in the course of the next year. The game said that 5 people could participate. Because I'm an attention starved monkey, I went with 8.

Tonight, I made my second person their homemade treat. She really likes the bruschetta I make with marinated peppers and feta. So, I made her a jar of marinated peppers and a jar of pickled onions. She's one of the people involved in a new year's diet program. I thought these veggies would be good on her salads, or whatever she's allowed to eat.

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