Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Kind of Day that Makes you want to Drink

I'm not really looking forward to facing work tomorrow. Friday was bad enough.

The morning started of fine. ESK brought in rice krispy treats with brightly colored sprinkles in them. Then, we got a call from a customer, complaining. But, in the course of trying to address her concerns, it became obvious that she wasn't quite right in the ol' noggin. Great . . . trying to reason with the unreasonable.

Then, the regional manager emailed to say she'd not received the year-end report that was due a week ago and that I emailed to her 10 days ago. I resent the original email, and SHAZZAM! she suddenly found the first one.

Quickly on the heels of that exchange, I got a call from finance . . . my totals on their form didn't add up. The numbers were right, but just didn't add up right. Because they forgot to put an auto sum function in the total line. Frickin' brilliant. I fixed it for them, and emailed it.

And, then, the cherry on the Friday. I got an email from corporate saying that the year-end report form they'd sent us a month ago? yeah, that one? Well, they were sorry to report that it had a virus in it. We should immediately virus scan/clean our computers and the reports we submitted will not be accepted, and a new form will be sent on Monday . . . and could you do it all over again and get it back to us by close of business Monday? Yeah.

Um, yeah, that's my stapler. I put my name on it.

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