Thursday, January 06, 2011

Attempt Number One

Trying to not let another year of resolutions fall by the wayside, and the residual self loathing (hahahaha . . . you thought I could "self loathe" . . . that's rich) take hold, I listened to some new-to-me music yesterday, thank you Pandora.

I pulled up Pandora and typed in into my stations. And, in true dork fashion (yes, ESK laughed at me) I took notes for you. First, I heard a Rihanna song. This may be the first time I was aware I was listening to her. It was dancy but I had to tell myself to stop thinking too deeply about the cultural/social meaning behind her saying she needed to be rescued rather than being the active agent of her own life. (Double dork, eh?) I heard the song Single Ladies for the first time that wasn't a parody. I heard an Usher song. Again, all pretty dancy stuff. I totally see that I'd know these songs if I were still of the age where hanging out, going dancing, and waiting for my life to start were my main activities in life.

A couple artists I heard that were totally new to me (I'd never even heard of them) included, OneRepublic, Citizen Cope, and David Guetta. The Guetta song was catchy and while not really paying attention to it, I thought I liked it. Then I realized that the subject matter of the song was that he was extolling the attributes of a woman he admired and wanted to do her justice without disrespecting her. He settled on describing her as a "sexy bitch" and his admiration was wholly superficial. Years and years of listening to folk music and war protest music and feminist music has destroyed my ability to just listen and ignore the words. Or, maybe I really am too old.

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